Monday, March 23, 2009

sputnik that world

I wanted to introduce the cold war with an up beat pace.
Hopefully, students will listen and stay focused because of all the hilarious comments on the picture representing cultural icons during the the Cold War

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

come era il chianti?
ti e piaciuto il museo?
suppongo ci farai lavorare molto oggi.  Se tiaddormenti ti sveglio con il fischietto.

P.s..: ho detto ai miei studenti di studiare la 2a guerra mondiale.
this is hmw. for ski week vacation:
study and memorize all the info. you find in the textbook from pg. 535 to pg. 600.
It looks difficult but you have to know that it is an exciting challenge.
Good luck. Si, se puede!!!

Your caring teacher